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4 °C  |  sky is clear

Community area

If you want to spend the evening with other members of the group, discuss the fishing adventures of the day, you can do it at our spacious restaurant. If the weather is nice, you can sit on our huge roofed terrace, where you can find all the necessary equipment for cooking in a cauldron or grilling.

In summer cold beer, in autumn tasty wine and in all seasons, Hungarian brandy contributes to perfect relaxation. While enjoying your drink, you can admire the amazing view of Balaton in front of you.

Due to the satellite television in the restaurant, you and your friends can support your favourite teams during the Olympics. During the opening ours of our bar, you can play darts, table football or billiards.

Wi-Fi is free.

Relevant galleries

Fishing tours

  • Grand Fishing Tour:
    6-day fishing tour for teams
  • Short Fishing Tour:
    3-day fishing tour for teams
  • Quick Fishing Tour:
    half-day fishing tour for 1-2 people
  • Long weekend Fishing Tour:
    3-day fishing tour
  • Carp Grand Tour:
    7-day fishing tour for teams
  • Adventure Tour:
    7-day fishing tour


8174 Balatonkenese
Főnix place 3.

GPS coordinates: N47 °02' 46" ; N18° 12' 87"

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Order and booking:


Balaton Fishing Ltd.
8242 Balatonudvari, Balaton u. 8.