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20 °C  |  overcast clouds

Other services

Rent a boat: You also have the opportunity to rent a boat individually to discover those parts of the coast which abound in fish or explore the lake with your family in a carefree manner.

Sliding-way: In the sliding-way right in front of the inn, you can embark with boats of limited draught free of charge.

Rent a sailing boat: Anyone can enjoy the wind over Lake Balaton with a guide or by sailing a rented boat on their own if they have a sailing licence.


Fishing tours

  • Grand Fishing Tour:
    6-day fishing tour for teams
  • Short Fishing Tour:
    3-day fishing tour for teams
  • Quick Fishing Tour:
    half-day fishing tour for 1-2 people
  • Long weekend Fishing Tour:
    3-day fishing tour
  • Carp Grand Tour:
    7-day fishing tour for teams
  • Adventure Tour:
    7-day fishing tour


8174 Balatonkenese
Főnix place 3.

GPS coordinates: N47 °02' 46" ; N18° 12' 87"

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Order and booking:


Balaton Fishing Ltd.
8242 Balatonudvari, Balaton u. 8.