The fish catch record book is a document regulated by the Law of Fishing and it has to be issued together with the area licence by the organization entitled to fish on the particular water.
The fish catch record book is numbered and it has got the same form for anglers having either yearly or day fishing licence.
The aim of the fish catch record book is – besides the record of caught fish – to have more detailed information about caught fish and anglers’ habits on Lake Balaton.
Moreover, the fish catch record book helps fishing guards’ job.
We know that keeping records in the fish catch record book is an extra task for anglers. However, we hope that it does not cause a problem for honest anglers.
Please read the instructions carefully before recording the data.
Thank you for your help and understanding.
Fishing on Lake Balaton and its water system is performed by Balaton Fish Management Non-Profit Ltd.(1 Horgony street, Siófok, 8600). Anglers on Lake Balaton must be aware and keep the stricter local Balaton Fishing Regulations in addition to the valid state regulations. Not knowing the rules means no exemption from the consequences.
The rules of fishing are firstly controlled by the Act XLI of 1997 and relating regulations. Secondly, Balaton Fishing Regulations reflecting local specialities must also be kept. Thirdly, there are some unwritten ethical rules which should not be broken either.
Our rules promote the real aims of fishing: fair catch of fish, careful treatment of the fish caught; as well as spending free time in a useful, relaxing and healthy way. Besides these, we have tried to establish a set of rules which can provide a solution to the common problems of anglers on Lake Balaton, tries to protect the fish stock of the lake and only minimally limits the fair, sportsmanlike anglers.
1. The angler is obliged to be familiar with the Act CII. of the year 2013 and the MRD (Ministry of Rural Development) Statute No.133/2013. (XII. 29.), as well as the Balaton Fishing Regulations before proceeding with the angling and to observe those throughout the angling.
2. In case of violation of the Act CII. of the year 2013 or the Statute 133/2013. (XII. 29.) MRD, the area ticket will be withdrawn in each case, but may be withdrawn in case of violation of the Balaton Fishing Regulations as well!
3. In case of flagrant or repeated contraventions, the culpable angler can be prohibited from purchasing a Lake Balaton area ticket for a longer period of time. For further information on contraventions and the sanctions imposed, please visit our company's website. In this case, after the expiry of the prohibition of fishing on the lake you can get a new regional ticket ticket exclusively at the center of Balaton Fishing Management Non-Profit Ltd.
4. By purchasing an area ticket, the owner gives consent for the audio/video recording of his/her angling activities by the fishing guards performing their duties. The recordings will be handled in accordance with legal regulations.
5. It is illegal to fish using live bait, dead fish slice or artificial bait and to keep asp, pike, Volga zander, perch and zander between 1st March and 31st March.
6. Fishing is allowed only from the shore between 1st and the 30th of April. It is prohibited to fish from a craft (including sailing ships, boats, etc.), watersports equipments (kayak, canoe, surfboard, etc.) and bathing equipments during this period. With the exception of the following two approved areas of the northern shore, where angling is allowed only for peaceful fish within 50 meters distance from the shore reeds, in the period between 06:00 h and 19:00 h. For those angling out of watercrafts or fishing platforms it is PROHIBITED to store lures, baitfish, fishslices in their vessels and on the platform as well as to use them for angling! Furthermore to retain any asp, pike, catfish, Volga zander, perch and zander in the above-mentioned periods is also PROHIBITED!
- On the northern coast of the eastern basin of Lake Balaton: from the Peremarton Anglers Association’s ( Peremartoni HE) harbor entrance of at Balatonkenese (47 ° 02'21,5 "N; 18 ° 04'15,9" E) to the Aszófő-creek estuary at Balatonfüred (46 ° 55'55,4 "N; 17 ° 51'36,1 'E);
- On the northern coast of the central and western basin of lake Balaton: from the Bozsa Anglers Association’s (Bozsai HE) harbor entrance at Örvényes (46 ° 54'39,6 "N; 17 ° 49'45,2" E) to the border point situated at 150 meters south from the Petroleum Industries Sport Fishing Association’s ( Kőolajipari Sporthorgász Egyesület) harbor at Keszthely (46 ° 43'24,3 "N; 17 ° 14'48,2" E).
7. There is a general fishing prohibition from 15 April to 15 June southwards from the Bambi-bridge on the Keleti-bozót-csatorna (46°44'09.0"N 17°33'54.1"E) and southwards from the Kéthelyi-bridge (46°39'58.8"N 17°24'49.0"E) on the Nyugati-övcsatorna, (including the Cigány-csatorna, Sári-csatorna and the Határ-külvíz-csatorna). It is prohibited to stay on and at the bank of the upper mentioned water bodies, in possession of any kind of tackle which is suitable for fishing. It is allowed to fish on the stretches between the mentioned bridges and the inlets of the mentioned channels to Lake Balaton, but it is not allowed to keep any carp or catfish.
8. It is prohibited to fish intentionally for any kind of fish, which is below the size limit (in case if the species is protected by size limitation) or which is protected by closed season at the date of the fishing, even if the angler releases the fish! If the angler catches such fishes repeatedly and unintentionally, he/she must switch for another fishing method or fishing place.
9. It is illegal to fish at night (between 10 pm and 4 am) from a craft (including sailing ships, boats, etc.) between 1st November and 31st March. This restriction is not placed on shore fishing.
10. The angler who has purchased an adult area ticket may use at the same time two rods and one baitfish net which is not bigger than 1x1 meters. For adult anglers the daily quota of the species protected with a size limit is 5 pieces altogether but no more than 3 pieces of each species or 10 kilograms of each species. When the 10 kg limit is over with the particular fish caught – it can be kept but that species cannot be fished on again that day. In case of species without a size limit a total quantity of 10 kg per day is allowed to catch.
11. The angler who has purchased a junior area ticket may use at the same time one rod and one baitfish net which is not bigger than 1x1 meters. For junior anglers (between 14 and 18 years) the daily quota of the species protected with a size limit is 3 pieces altogether but no more than 2 pieces of each species or 10 kilograms of each species. When the 10 kg limit is over with the particular fish caught – it can be kept but that species cannot be fished on again that day. In case of species without a size limit a total quantity of 5 kg per day is allowed to catch.
12. The angler who has purchased a children’s area ticket may use at the same time one rod and one baitfish net which is not bigger than 1x1 meters. For children anglers (under 14 years) the daily quota of the species protected with a size limit is 1 piece. In case of species without a size limit a total quantity of 3 kg per day is allowed to catch.
13. Adult anglers owning an annual area ticket are allowed to keep a total of 100 pieces of the species under number-restriction, junior anglers 50 pieces, while child anglers a total of 20 pieces in the course of the year. If the yearly quota is reached, it is possible to purchase an extra area ticket.
14. You are allowed to catch fish enabled for only one day by the regulations when you have a 24-hour area licence.
15. You are allowed to catch fish enabled for only three days by the regulations when you have a 72-hour area licence and you must keep the daily limits according to the regulations.
16. Angling from vessels classified by navigation regulations as recreational crafts or from a vessel belonging to a higher category (with a registration number) is allowed exclusively while owning a general area ticket! Anglers possessing an annual coastal ticket have the possibility to purchase an additional daily general ticket.
17. By derogation from Act CII. of the year 2013 and the MRD Statute No.133/2013. (XII. 29.) regulations considering size limit, in case of the fish caught in Lake Balaton and its water system the following size limits apply: carp: 35 cm, zander: 35 cm, asp: 45 cm, pike: 45 cm. In their prohibition period, the catfish are protected regardless of size!
18. By derogation from Act CII. of the year 2013 and the MRD Statute No.133/2013. (XII. 29.) regulations considering bag limits, only one piece of asp can be kept per day.
19. It is PROHIBITED to keep any carp measuring more than 70 cm from the tip of the nose to the base of the caudal fin! The angler is obligated to release the fish (after potentially taking some quick photos) gently and immediately.
20. Of zander measuring more than 70 cm from the tip of the nose to the base of the caudal fin it is allowed to keep one specimen per day. The angler is obligated to release any subsequently caught zander measuring more than 70 cm (after potentially taking some quick photos) immediately, in a gentle way.
21. Of pike measuring more than 75 cm from the tip of the nose to the base of the caudal fin it is allowed to keep one specimen per day. The angler is obligated to release any subsequently caught pike measuring more than 75 cm (after potentially taking some quick photos) immediately, in a gentle way.
22. The smallest catchable size of perch is 15 cm, of which it is allowed to keep a maximum quantity of 2 kg per day. (The perch is not included in the annual quota of 100 pieces, but it counts as other fish in the daily allowed maximum of 10 kg of other fish caught.
23. It is PROHIBITED to keep any burbot (Lota lota) caught in Lake Balaton and its water system.
24. It is compulsory to log in the fish species marked with code numbers in the angler's diary must by using the corresponding code number (1-10)
25. In case of angling with alive or dead baitfish or fish slices only the use of single hooks is allowed! By the practice of this fishing method it is PROHIBITED the use of double and treble hooks in order to protect undersized fish.
26. On the Kis-Balaton only one specimen of a raptor fish protected by a bag limit (asp, pike, catfish, volgazander, zander) can be kept per day.
27. Within 50 meters distance from the bridge on river Zala in Zalavár you may fish only by using a single hook, furthermore IT IS PROHIBITED to fish with the spinning method.
28. Trolling is allowed only with one rod kept in your hand.
29. If you want to take the fish caught in a legal way and protected with a size limit you have to kill it before leaving the angling spot in a quick and humane way. It is illegal to transport living fish.
30. It is illegal to replace or release the fish caught and put in a keepnet, on a string or on a metal keeper later. You have to release the fish you want to immediately after the catch.
31. It is strictly illegal to sell or financially barter the fish caught.
32. The catch can not be given away at the shore and the fish intended to be kept can only be stored in one’s own fish storing equipment ( fish stringer, keepnet, etc.)
33. In case of fishing for more days in a row, the angler is allowed to keep in his possession at most the amount of fish that can be kept for 2 calendar days (eg. at most 6 pieces of zander) in the watercraft used for fishing or at the angling place, in case if the angler has caught these fish in compliance with the catch limits and he had booked these in the catch diary.
34. It is prohibited to keep the fish in any kind of keepnet or cage made of metal or wire!
35. The carry in/drop the rig angling method can only be practiced by owners of an a special area ticket for carry in/drop the rig angling method (annual, weekly or 72 hours ticket) and by following the regulations regarding the method. These are covered in a separate chapter and can be found on the annex of the mentioned tickets and on our website (www.balatonihal/behuzoshorgaszat). Carry in/drop the rig angling is a fishing method whereby the angler gets his rig in its place by using a device (i.g. boat, feeding boat or other authorized watercraft), or he takes his rig to its place without casting it, by walking in or swimming in the water. Angling by wading in the water, then casting the end tackle is also considered carry in/drop the rig angling while the the average water level of Lake Balaton is above 80 cm (
36. The tackle is considered guarded and supervised in the following cases:
a) The angler is staying within 50 meters of its tackle and at the signal of the bite alarm he can begin to play the fish;
b) The angler is on the water to play the fish, or to release it, or feeding the swim, or to carry in the tackle (if he/she disposes of the authorizing ticket)
37. Use of a bait boat is prohibited unless the angler has purchased an area ticket which entitles him for carry in/drop the rig angling and he has checked in validly.
38. The whole basin of Lake Balaton is a waterway is suitable for navigation. Bearing this in mind, the angler may not make any claim of compensation from the driver of the watercraft in case of any damage occuring to his equipment due to the watercraft. The angler – especially who is practicing the carry in/drop the rig method – can minimize the possibility of damage by using the available technical solutions, e.g. line sinkers.
39. On the day of the fish stocking it is PROHIBITED to angle within 200 meters from the area of the stocking.
40. It is compulsory to light the angling spot at night and in poor visibility.
41. Angling and boating within the protected areas marked with yellow buoys is prohibited! The list of the appointed areas can be found on website.
42. It is compulsory to keep the local port regulations! In case of violation of the port regulations, the area ticket may be withdrawn!
43. It is illegal to destroy or damage aquatic plants, plants on the shore or the shore protecting objects.
44. It is illegal to process the caught fish on the angling spot or in the boat until the end of angling.
45. It is illegal to start or continue fishing if there is rubbish on the spot. It is compulsory to leave the angling spot clean after fishing.
46. You are not allowed to reserve an angling spot except for the piers with official permission and the privately owned lakeside properties.
These regulations are valid from 1st February 2018.
Rules of boilie fishing on Lake Balaton
Fishing rules of Balaton must be followed by person, who has bought a “behúzós területi jegy”,a special area ticket for carry in/drop the rig angling method (annual, weekly or 72 hours ticket) furthermore he has to comply with the 27nth point of the above mentioned rules detailed hereinafter.
Violence of this rule is observed as offending the fishing rules of Balaton and may conclude in withdrawal of your local ticket and banning you from the possibility to purchase local tickets. Our aim is to set clear rules and well-founded circumstances of boilie fishing, and above that to protect enormous carp, which possess unique natural value in a much more efficient way than previously. We also try to make an effort to prevent these huge carp from migrating and being merchandised. The aforementioned aims call for cooperation among the fishermen in this sector, thus a common ground has been built based on our discussions with them to establish the details of practicing this method.
1.General regulations
1.1. The aim of boilie fishing is to catch, to measure, and to take a photo of non-predatory fish, then releasing them into the water in a humane way.
1.2. By “behúzós horgászat” (here referred to as boilie fishing) we mean the method which enables the angler to deliver the rig into the water with the help of legal vehicles (e.g. boat, bait boat) or to take his rig into the water by swimming or walking without throwing any parts of it, then he’s allowed to wait for the bite on the shore or on the gang-board which is linked to the shore. Walking and casting your rig into the water is also regarded as “behúzós horgászat” (boilie) fishing, until the average water level of Lake Balaton is above 80 cm (
1.3. An angler with a “behúzós jegy” (boilie fishing ticket) is to follow the rules of humane treatment in the case of each and every fish that is caught based on the above mentioned principles.
1.4. It is possible to go boilie fishing in the following three cases:
1.4.1. Organizations (e.g. local governments, camp-sites), which possess or operate real estate on the shore are entitled to mark territories on their own shore for boilie fishing. On these territories appointments are available on website. From the main page of you can reach the booking system. The booking system is open and available for everybody.
1.4.2. Owners of the lakeside real estates – in case that they have the necessary area ticket – can fish using the carry in/drop the rig method on their property, but they must comply with a notification commitment. Landlords and landladies who have registered to catch fish legally have the right to let their guests use their territories, although landlords and landladies are also liable for notifying about boilie fishing, and ensure that their guests possess tickets in every case. They are to notify about the exact location (number, street) with GPS coordinates as well as about the exact date and time of the fishing on the website which can be reached from the main page of Violating the rules will conclude in initiating a legal process against the person who has offended the regulations and boilie fishing will not be permitted on the area as a consequence. Booking on the above mentioned properties – according to the intention of landlord or landlady – is primarily private. However they can be part of open booking system according to Owners of properties on the shore who have registered to catch fish legally and have fulfilled the aforementioned responsibilities, hereby contribute for control authorities to approach the fishing location at a time agreed in advance via the landlord’s or landlady’s property.
1.4.3. It is possible to go boilie fishing on completely unrestricted public shores in off-season. In such areas it is important to take into consideration that you don’t book places in advance. According to ethics that has previously existed anyone is allowed to take a sit on a free part of the shore and start fishing. As long as someone takes a place, no one else is allowed to claim the area. The obligation of notification for boilie fishing about the location and duration must be granted as well in this case, only after taking the area. Obviously in these areas it is the duty of the angler to live up to the sanitation, and hygiene expectations. You are to gather information about the possibility of staying (living in a tent, sleeping under the sky) on the territory from the operator of public area, and its terms and conditions must be obeyed.
1.5. Boilie fishing is allowed on completely unrestricted public shores (completely unrestricted beaches) from complete melting of ice to 31May and from 15 September until freezing, 0:00-24:00 hours.
1.6. One person is entitled to occupy one territory altogether for the same period and at one time one person may only have three valid reservations.
1.7. Booking of boilie fishing will become valid once the angler logs in online before the beginning fishing. You are to log in once every week.
1.8. Putting up a tent, settling a caravan are allowed on the territory belonging to fishing spot within the duration of your valid booking, as long as the owner of the property agrees.
1.9. The boilie angler is obliged to release in Lake Balaton any native fish caught within the period while being checked in. It is PROHIBITED to keep at the angling place the fish caught outside the period of being checked in!
1.10. The angler with a valid check in and a boilie angling seasonal area ticket may not keep any native fish even if he/she is in possession of a „normal” area ticket.
1.11. According to Hhvtv. (fish protection and –management act) exogenous fish mustn’t be released into Lake Balaton. If you don’t want to keep the exogenous fish (e.g. grass carp), you are to call the following number: +360303503333. We will transport the fish away.
2. Rules of boilie fishing:
2.1. One angler is allowed to fish with 2 single fishing rods. Compulsory principle is to offer boilies and lifeless bait on hair rigs.
2.2. The angler who is younger than 18 years of age can practice the carry in/drop the rig method only under adult supervision.
2.3 From 1st of April to 30th of April the angler who has purchased an area ticket which entitles him for carry in/drop the rig angling and has checked in validly, gets an exemption from point no. 6 of the Fishing Regulation for Lake Balaton. In this period, he is allowed to stay on the water in the following cases:
a) playing or releasing the fish
b) feeding the swim
c) searching for an angling spot or carrying the rig to the swim
2.4. Use of a bait boat is prohibited unless the angler has purchased an area ticket which entitles him for carry in/drop the rig angling and he has checked in validly.
2.5. It is prohibited to use braided main line. Braided (snag) leader line can be used in the length of not more than 20 m (66 feet). Lead core can be used in the length of not more than 1 m (3 feet).
2.6. Fish finders can be used according to the Hhvtv. (fish protection and -management act).
2.7. Exclusively electric motorboats can be used.
2.8. You can catch fish exclusively within the reserved area, which you have booked in advance.
2.9. Tackles can be deployed perpendicular to the shore. Any diversion is allowed within your reserved resort and without disturbing other anglers.
2.10. Every angler is allowed to use two pole markers, which must be illuminated from sunset to sunrise.
2.11. It is not allowed for any other boilie angler to fish within a circle with a radius of 40 meters around the pole marker and within an 80 meters wide area between the bank and the pole marker.
2.12. The deployment of rig can be done by either throwing it in from the shore, carrying it on foot into the water or can be delivered by baitboat and boat.
2.13. The maximum distance to carry in the end tackle can be:
West of the harbor of the Balatonfűzfő Angling Club (Balatonfűzfői Horgász Egyesület) to the harbor of the BHNP Zrt. in Keszthely: 350 meters measured from the coastline of the angling place.
All other coastlines: 450 meters measured from the coastline of the angling place.
2.14. It is PROHIBITED to leave the cast in tackle unguarded and to let them supervised by another person!
The tackle is considered guarded and supervised in the following cases:
a) The angler is staying within 50 meters of its tackle and at the signal of the bite alarm he can begin to play the fish;
b) The angler is on the water to play the fish, or to release it, or feeding the swim, or to carry in the tackle (if he/she disposes of the authorizing ticket)
2.15. The whole basin of Lake Balaton is a waterway suitable for navigation. Bearing this in mind, the angler may not make any claim of compensation from the driver of the watercraft in case of any damage occuring to his equipment due to the watercraft. The angler – especially who is practicing the carry in/drop the rig method – can minimize the possibility of damage by using the available technical solutions, e.g. line sinkers.
2.16. During the boilie angling competitions it is PROHIBITED to practice the carry in/drop the rig method on the whole surface of Lake Balaton for every angler except for the competitors. You can find out about the dates of the competitions at , , websites.
3. Rules of humane treatment
3.1. It is PROHIBITED to take or to keep any native fish! It is also strictly forbidden to store the fish during the night.
3.2. According to the principle of humane treatment fish are to be released immediately after taking a photo and measuring it.
3.3. According to the principle of humane treatment you must possess and use the following equipment:
Good quality, water proof, big sized carp mat with thick lining (The fish must be placed on a wet mat!)
Dense, min. 90 x 90 cm (35 inch) landing net
3.4. Fish caught MUSTN’T be marked and dismembered. If a fish dies as a consequence of angler’s negligence, operator of water resort can have a claim for damages in the value of the fish.
Fish caught from the lake can be marked exclusively by the expert of our company with the method according to the usual standards for future gathering of information about migration and growth of the fish.
3.5. The photo of the fish caught from the lake can be published on the balatoni ponty-arcképcsarnok (portrait gallery of balaton carp) website. We kindly ask our anglers of Balaton to send us the photos taken of fish weighing more than 10 kg (22 lbs) to the following e-mail address: We will upload them with pleasure.
All questions not regulated in boilie fishing ticket terms and condition shall be governed by the prevailing balatoni horgászrend (fishing rules of Balaton)furthermore for anglers fishing according to the aforementioned regulations should follow the principles included in the Ethic Code of Amateur Boilie Club.
Closed seasons start at 00.00 on their first day and last until 24.00 on their last day. If the first day is a Saturday, Sunday or a Hungarian public holiday, the closed season starts only on the next working day. If the last day is a Saturday, Sunday or a Hungarian public holiday, the closed season ends on the previous working day.
It means that the exact dates of the closed seasons can slightly vary from year to year!
Besides the size limitations according to the Hungarian regulations tench has been protected with an extra size limitation in Lake Balaton, Kis-Balaton and their incoming waters since 1st January 2012!
The maximum daily amount of tench and Volga pikeperch (protected with a size limitation) is 3 each in Lake Balaton!
Name of the fish | Closed season | Size limitation < |
Brown trout (Salmo trutta m. fario) | 1st October – 31st March | 22 cm |
Pike (Esox lucius) | 1st February – 31st March | 45 cm |
Asp (Aspius aspius) | 1st March – 27th April | 45 cm |
Pike-perch (Sander lucioperca) | 1st March – 27th April | 35 cm |
Perch (Perca fluviatilis) | 1st March – 27th April | 15 cm |
Volga pikeperch (Sander volgensis) | 1st March – 30th June | 25 cm |
Carp (Cyprinus carpio) | 2nd May – 31st May | 35 cm, maximum size 70 cm |
Barbel (Barbus barbus) | 16th April - 31st May | 40 cm |
Catfish (Silurus glanis) | 2nd May - 15th June | 60 cm |
Ide (Leuciscus idus) | 16th April – 31st May | 20 cm |
Common nase (Chondrostoma nasus) | 16th April – 31st May | 20 cm |
Vimba bream (Vimba vimba) | 16th April – 31st May | 20 cm |
Burbot (Lota lota) | - | Not allowed to catch |
Kinife (Pelecus cultratus) | 16th April – 31st May | 20 cm |
Tench (Tinca tinca) | 2nd May - 15th June | 25 cm |
List of the water bodies where you can fish with certain area tickets
WATER AREA CODES (víztérkód): The water area code of Lake Balaton and its whole water system is: 14-002-2-1. The only exception is the Kis-Balaton (Small Balaton), its code is: 20-019-2-1.
1. Coastal area ticket: On Lake Balaton, you are allowed to fish up to 1500 m distance from the bank or from a watercraft without a registration number. This type of ticket does not entitle you for the carry in/drop the rig angling method.
2. General area ticket: Empowers you to fish on the entire stretch of Lake Balatonfrom vessels classified by navigation regulations as recreational crafts or from a vessel belonging to a higher category (with a registration number) and for the carry in/drop the rig angling method, following the regulations regarding the method. These regulations are covered in a separate chapter and can be found on the annex of the mentioned tickets and on our website (
Both types of area tickets are valid for the following stretches of the influent waters, from the inflow to Lake Balaton:
· On the “Kis-Balaton” on the „I. számú déli tározó” (southern reservoir No. 1) from 04 to 24 h, from the bank between the water and the southern roadside of the road between “Zalavár and Zalaszabar”; from the western side of the bridge, from the “Babos-sziget” and from the “Kányavári-sziget”.
· On the “Nyugati-övcsatorna” (Western belt channel) from the inflow to “Lake Balaton” to the the mouth of the “Határkülvíz-csatorna” a.k.a. “Csömendi-árok”, and on the “Sári belvíz-csatorna” and the “Cigány-belvíz-csatorna” from the service road to “Somogyszentpál” to the “Nyugati-övcsatorna”.
· On the “river “Zala” to the railway bridge in “Fenékpuszta”,
· On the “Hévíz channel” from the inflow to “Lake Balaton” to the downstream segment of 50 m distance from the lock of the “Hévízi-lake”,
· On the “Páhoki csatorna” from the inflow to “Lake Balaton” to the “Hévíz channel”,
· On the “Egyesített övcsatorna” from the “Bárkázó híd” bridge to the mouth of the “Gyöngyös stream”,
· On the “Fenyvesi-nyomócsatorna” to the pump house,
· On the “Keleti-Bozót-csatorna” to the bridge on the road between “Lengyeltóti” and “Buzsák”,
· On the “Jamai-patak” to the drainage lock of the “Bugaszegi-lake”,
· On the “Tetves-patak” to the drainage sluices of the Balatonlelle fishery ponds,
· On the “Kismetszés” to the highroad No. 70,
· On the “Nagymetszés” to the wooden bridge in Szólád,
· On the streams “Lesence, Kétöles, Tapolca, Egervíz” and “Burnót” and on the “Egermalom-csatorna” to the highroad No. 71,
· On the “Határkülvíz-csatorna” a.k.a. “Csömendi-árok”, from the mouth to the “Nyugati-övcsatorna” to the bridge on the road between Nikla and Csömend. You may not fish on the stretch of the channel which is going through the Fehérvízi-láp nature reserve, because it is a restricted area.
3. The carry in/drop the rig 72 hours area ticket and weekly ticket empowers you for the carry in/drop the rig angling method on Lake Balaton, from the bank or from platforms standing in the water, by following the regulations regarding the method, covered in a separate chapter.
The 24 hours and 72 hours additional daily general ticket empowers you to fish on the total surface of Lake Balaton from vessels classified by navigation regulations as recreational crafts or from a vessel belonging to a higher category (with a registration number) but it can be purchased exclusively while owning a coastal area ticket! These types of tickets do not empower you for carry in/drop the rig angling!
4. The annual area ticket for the Kis-Balaton, Nyugati-övcsatorna and Keleti-Bozót-csatorna is valid exclusively for the following water bodies:
· On the “Nyugati-övcsatorna” (Western belt channel) from the bridge on highroad No. 7 to the the mouth of the “Határkülvíz-csatorna” a.k.a. “Csömendi-árok”, and on the “Sári belvíz-csatorna” and the “Cigány-belvíz-csatorna” from the service road to “Somogyszentpál” to the “Nyugati-övcsatorna”.
· On the “Határkülvíz-csatorna” a.k.a. “Csömendi-árok”, from the mouth to the “Nyugati-övcsatorna” to the bridge on the road between Nikla and Csömend.
· On the “Kis-Balaton on the „I. számú déli tározó” (southern reservoir No. 1) from 04 to 24 h, from the bank between the water and the southern roadside of the road between “Zalavár and Zalaszabar”; from the western side of the bridge, from the Babos-sziget and from the Kányavári-sziget.
· On the “Keleti-Bozót-csatorna” to the bridge on the road between Lengyeltóti and Buzsák.
Other important area restrictions:
· Angling from the bank or from a platform is prohibited on Lake Balaton from the eastern end of the beach in Örvényes towards Tihany to the western end of the beach section of Tihanyi Yacht Club, except for the stone piers of the MOHOSZ.
· It is prohibited to fish from the bank between the water and the northern roadside of the road between Zalavár and Zalaszabar, eastwards from the bridge and from the bridge and from the bridge on the Kányavári-sziget.
· Fishing from the boat and ice fishing, feeding the fish and the birds is prohibited on the Kis-Balaton.
· While approaching the fishing location on Lake Balaton and the Kis-Balaton the reeds must not suffer any damage!
· The area ticket serves as entrance card as well for those parts of the Kis-Balaton, where angling is allowed!
8174 Balatonkenese
Főnix place 3.
GPS coordinates: N47 °02' 46" ; N18° 12' 87"
*/ ?>Order and booking:
Balaton Fishing Ltd.
8242 Balatonudvari, Balaton u. 8.
2016 Fishing regulations