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Reviews and references

As our website was started on 15 March 2016, this section is still under construction.

We would like to ask our guests to share not only their catches, but also their positive and negative experiences with us, so that we can solve the problems. We are interested in your opinion. The best feedback is when our guests book a package for the following year.

Fishing tours

  • Grand Fishing Tour:
    6-day fishing tour for teams
  • Short Fishing Tour:
    3-day fishing tour for teams
  • Quick Fishing Tour:
    half-day fishing tour for 1-2 people
  • Long weekend Fishing Tour:
    3-day fishing tour
  • Carp Grand Tour:
    7-day fishing tour for teams
  • Adventure Tour:
    7-day fishing tour


8174 Balatonkenese
Főnix place 3.

GPS coordinates: N47 °02' 46" ; N18° 12' 87"

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Order and booking:


Balaton Fishing Ltd.
8242 Balatonudvari, Balaton u. 8.